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berthe morisot
"Souvenir des Bords de l'Oise (1863)
Introduction (English)
1. Provenance
Attachment 1.1
Attachment 1.2
2. The Paint Site
Figures 2.1 to 2.10
3. The style and description
Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3
4. The Signature
4.1 Attachment
Figures 4.1 to 4.7 (Signature details and comparisons)
5. Treatment Report
5.1 Attachment (treatment report, Strauss Center for conservation)
5.2 Spectograph
5.3 Canvas Stamp
6. Conclusions and an Hypothesis
7. Bibliography and Experts
Introduction (francais)
1. La provenance du tableau
Annexe 1
Annexe 1, original
2. Le Site Represente
Figures 2.1 to 2.10
3. Le style et la description
Figures 3.1, 3.2 et 3.3
4. La Signature
Annexe 4 (email de Prof Anne Higonnet)
Figures 4.1 a 4.7
5. Le Rapport d'Analyse
Annexe 5.1
Annexe 5.2
Annexe 5.3
6. Les conclusions et une hypothese
7. La Bibliograhie et les experts
berthe morisot
4.1 Attachment
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